This course seeks to introduce students to the ethical and
legal issues of business in Ghana. It
provides a theoretical and practical understanding of ethical and legal related
issues that affect businesses in Ghana. It also explains the driving forces of
new venture success and the ethical and legitimacy challenges that face
entrepreneurs with new ventures.
The aim is to inculcate into the student the concept of
business ethics that propels genuine and rewarding entrepreneurial practices.
Students by the completion of this course will be able to exhibit understanding
of rules and ethical issues that promote not just entrepreneurial practices but
develop the kind of entrepreneurial spirit that ensures individual
profitability and national development.
Topics to study will include business organisation in
Ghana, custom duty, environmental legislation, investment in Ghana, labour laws
and labour acts, taxation and tax legislation, procurement act, civil
procedure, Copyright, Intellectual property rights, Takeovers, Mergers, Laws on
Monopoly and associated trade practices.
Mode of Delivery
Mode of delivery of Lessons will be through lectures,
demonstrations and presentations.
Reading List
- Druker, P.F. (1985). Innovation and
Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles. New York, Harper and Row.
- Barret, J. (1999). Total Leadership. London,
Kogan Page.
- David, F. (2001) Strategic Management. New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
- Ireland, R.D., Hitt, M.A. and Sirmon, D.G.
(2003) A Model of Strategic Entrepreneurship: The Construct and its Dimensions.
Journal of Management, 29: 963-989.
- Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L (2006) Marketing
Management. (12th Ed). New Jersey, Pearson Education.
- Baron, R.A. (2006). Opportunity Recognition as
Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs ‘connect the dots’ to identify New
Business Opportunities. Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(1): 104-119.
- Sahlman, W.A. (1997) How to write a Great
Business Plan. Harvard Business Review, 75(4): 98-108
- Dyer, J.H., Gregersen, H.B. & Christensen,
C.M. (2009). The Innovator’s DNA. Harvard Business Review, 87(12): 60-67.
- Kariv, D. (2011) Entrepreneurship: An
International Introduction. Hoboken, Taylor & Francis.
- Ellis, P.D. (2011). Social Ties and
International Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Constraints affecting Firm
Internationalization. Journal of
International Business Studies, 42: 99-127.
- Zanakis, S.H., Renko, M. and Bullough, A. (2012)
Nascent Entrepreneurs and the Transition to Entrepreneurship: Why do People
start New Businesses? Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 17(1): 1-25.
- Hisrich, R. D. (2014) Advanced Introduction to
Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.